There are three things you should be doing differently to stand out from the competition.
There are three things you should do each and every time you talk to a client in order to stand out from the competition and ensure you get their business.
Jordan Belfort - the subject of The Wolf of Wall Street - did a training session and these were the three things that I pulled from it as impeccably important to me in how we engage people. Remember, we're in a commission-based business, so we have the opportunity to thrive versus merely surviving. By doing a couple things differently, we can make all the difference.
Doing these three things better will make all the difference.
An interesting statistic from the National Board of Realtors tells us that out of 14 brand-new agents that come into the market, 13 won't remain in two years, and I think that's ridiculous. People that are young and energetic and want to help people at a high level should be taking business from people who have been in the business for a long time, just because they want to serve at a higher level. By being an authority and coming forth differently, you end up getting more business than sometimes you can even handle.
Here are the three things to consider every time you're talking to somebody:
- Be as enthusiastic as you can possibly be. Enthusiasm shows that you have confidence, you know what you want, and you know what you're doing. It shows you're here to serve and help.
- Be sharp as a tack. Make sure you know what you're talking about, even if you're not ready. Be able to find any info you don't have and quickly deliver. You're getting things done and overcoming the hurdles to serve at a high level.
- Be a force to be reckoned with. Recognize that you're an authority. You're going to have the knowledge, the information, and the details. You're the person to go to - there's no reason to go to the competition or other agents, because you're that one who wants to serve the client and provide a world-class customer service experience.
I hope this information helps you thrive and make the most of your business. If you're looking to become part of a team, let's talk. I'm happy to talk to you about all we have to offer.