In order to really make this business your own, you need to be more than the person people think of when they think of real estate. They need to think you are the expert, their advisor, and the one person to go to for their real estate needs.
In this business, you need to be a student of the business. You need to go above and beyond so you can become the master. In short, you need to approach real estate as a craft. What does “craft” mean?
Master the craft of real estate.
C is for commitment to mastery. You need to commit to learning and growing.
R is for reading. Reading 10 pages a day allows you to finish a book every month and a half.
A is for attending seminars. Travel. See what you can learn from people outside of your area.
F is for finding mentors. Find someone to help you grow and progress.
T is for techniques. Master your techniques and systems so you can deliver world-class service to your clients.
There is a documentary on Netflix right now called Jiro Dreams of Sushi. I highly recommend that you watch it. Seeing how dedicated Jiro is to perfecting his technique will make you think about what kind of experience you are delivering to your clients.
If you have any questions, give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to help you!