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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Protecting Your Mindset

Today I’d like to give you some advice about what things it will take for you to reach the highest levels of the real estate industry.

Why is protecting your mindset and making sure that you have a daily routine so important for reaching the highest levels in this business?
There is a principle that comes from Tony Robbins that my team and I discuss frequently. It states that 80% of the real estate business is mindset and 20% is execution. After 10 years in the industry, I can tell you that this is true.
Even today, there are different problems and issues that occur that get me saying, “You’ve got to be kidding me!” When you encounter situations like that, you need to step out of that and into another role of getting production, results, and work done. The solution is all about your mindset.
I’m going to tell you two things that have really made a massive difference in my life that I would recommend you to do as part of your daily schedule.

You can’t stand by the fire and ask it to give you heat if you haven’t thrown in the wood.

The first is that energy is everything! Energy here means that you have the ability to get up, feel strong, want to get out there, hit the phones and reach people, knock on doors, and be actively and aggressively engaging in the market to produce higher-level results. You can’t stand by the fire and ask it to give you heat if you haven’t thrown in the wood. You have to put in the work. Get up early and work out so that your body is physically stronger than your peers and you have the energy necessary to power through the day.
The second is that you need to have a daily routine that involves protecting your mind. This can be reading 10 pages of a book, listening to a podcast, going to a meeting with the rest of your peers, or going through scripts or motivational items that will get you on the right track. If you master a daily ritual with an item like one of those, it will protect the rest of your day.
If you have any questions or need recommendations for books to read or podcasts to listen to, please reach out. We’d be happy to provide you with those resources to improve your life.